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Thomas Samuelson*

Independent director and member of the Audit and Corporate Practices Committee of Urbi. Mr. Samuelson has more than 30 years of experience in international capital markets, as well as in corporate governance. He has developed in the area of ​​private equity, asset management, securities trading and advisory with a specific focus on emerging markets and Latin America. He is currently CEO of Magellan Yachts LLC. He has held various senior sales and management positions for various investment banks including Bear Stearns, Credit Agricole, ING/Barings and Merrill Lynch. He has participated in the Boards of Directors of Crecera Finance Management, Banco Galicia de Venezuela, The Spanish Baseball Network and, currently, of Atom Participacoes. Mr. Samuelson graduated from Columbia University. Since 2015 he has been a visiting professor at the NYU Stern School of Business.

    A lo largo de nuestra historia hemos desarrollado más de 430,000 viviendas en 28 ciudades de la República Mexicana, mediante un desempeño financiero sobresaliente.


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