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Pablo Valenzuela Reyes*

Independent director and current member of the Audit and Corporate Practices Committee of Urbi. Mr. Valenzuela Reyes has extensive experience in rescuing companies and financial institutions in crisis and in organizational change strategies. He is currently Treasurer of the IMMA Salud Group and Director of the Tractores del Norte Group. He has participated in the Boards of Directors of Agroasemex, Grupo Financiero Inverlat-ScotiaBank, Grupo Mezgo, Grupo Ticonsa, Grupo Droguerías and Farmacias El Fénix, among others. Mr. Valenzuela Reyes has a degree in Accounting from the Institute of Higher Studies of Tamaulipas-Anáhuac University. He has a Master’s degree in Administration from the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (ITAM). He is a Doctor in Senior Management from the Postgraduate Center of the State of Mexico for the Anahuac University program. In addition to having Doctoral Studies in Business Administration and Management from the University of Cantabria (UC), Spain.

    A lo largo de nuestra historia hemos desarrollado más de 430,000 viviendas en 28 ciudades de la República Mexicana, mediante un desempeño financiero sobresaliente.


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    (52.686) 523.8620 EXT. 10304

