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Héctor F. Munguía Romo

IPG VP Private Banking, Member of the Investment Committee at Investment Placement Group, San Diego, California, where he is also Director of the office in Tucson, AZ. He served as Director of the Economic Development Commission in the municipality of Hermosillo Sonora. He was also Undersecretary of Employment of the Secretary of Economy of the State of Sonora, as well as Director of Operation and Financial Promotion. Mr. Munguía Romo has a degree in Administration from the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (ITAM), and a Master’s degree in Administration from the Technological Institute of Higher Studies of Monterrey (ITESM).

    A lo largo de nuestra historia hemos desarrollado más de 430,000 viviendas en 28 ciudades de la República Mexicana, mediante un desempeño financiero sobresaliente.


    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    (52.686) 523.8620 EXT. 10304

